Jun 19, 20223 min read
Fathers’ Day 2022: Mr Albert Lim (board chairman)
Some of you may recognise Albert Lim, or ‘Uncle Albert’ as he is affectionately known to those at Impart, as the chairman of Impart’s...

May 8, 20222 min read
Mother's Day 2022: Athirah and Ayyash
Athirah, 20 years old, is the proud mother of five-month-old Ayyash Rayyan. Being a mother is no easy task. This Mother’s Day, we...

Dec 1, 20211 min read
Take On 22: On Youth Mentorship
On November 23rd, we had the opportunity to be a part of “Take On 2022”, an online webinar organized by the National Youth Council and...

Oct 8, 20211 min read
Youth Work and Mental Health Care: 'Baby Boy' Film Screening
On the 1st of October, we had the chance to host a film screening and panel discussion regarding mental health and community action at...

May 21, 20211 min read
"Baby Boy Screening"
Last Saturday, we participated in the film premiere of “Baby Boy” by Singaporean filmmakers, Bambby Cheuk, Bryan Chua, Jessica Heng, and...