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We give youths
a fighting chance.

Impart is an Institution of Public Character (IPC) charity in Singapore and
a full member of the National Council of Social Services since 2022

catch a glimpse of change with Impart

Interested? Join in the change and volunteer today

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impact at a glance

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Children and youths served



Youths want to stay connected with the impart community.

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Volunteers deployed to the community.


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Youths would refer a youth to impart.

Professionals say...

“Impart has come in to assist my school-going clients by providing one to one academic development services. Their youth advocates go the extra mile to mentor the youths, inspiring them to pace themselves academically and also focus on their personal growth. The youth advocates give weekly updates on each tutoring session and they work hand in hand with me to help assist the youth in their various academic and socio emotional needs. They also utilise creative methods of engagement individualising it to each youth’s hobbies and likes. Thank you Impart for the help rendered to our clients.”

Sarah Tay

Senior Case Manager/ Team Leader, Early Psychosis Intervention Programme, Institute of Mental Health

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